
#Apartment is Frolicked’s (Beka’s) response to What Is the City but the People? directed by Richard Gregory.

#Apartment so far is a piece of work in progress (and the associated programming/coding) for a puppeteered film, where all of the action within a three-dimensional, illustrated apartment block comes to life, live. We also wanted our apartment block to be interactive for online viewers in some way. Visit kicrestoration.com.

The first video shows the code used to program a RaspberryPi and an Arduino to speak to Twitter and switch an LED on and off. The second features an initial model of the block, where a tweet with the hashtag #someoneishome switches on an apartment light. When we tweet #someoneleft, the light goes out.

Frolicked would like to develop this idea further and will post regular updates on their Twitter feed (@Frolicked).

Created by

Beka Haigh

Puppet & Prop Maker / Performer

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