Darklight is an audiovisual work created by animator Andrew Magee and composer Manoli Moriaty. Drawing sonic influences from the aesthetics of drone metal band Sunn O))) and the imagery evoked by the birth of club culture, from b-boying through to the acid house revolution in Manchester, Darklight explores the imperfections of raw tones and high contrasts through intersecting physical and virtual media. Hand drawn animations and analogue synthesisers are transferred to the digital domain for processing and arrangement, resulting in a pulsating and enduring environment filled with organic glitches.
Darklight was created in response to Maryanne Hobb’s Dark Matter series of events during MIF17. The two artists initially exchanged ideas on the preferred aesthetics and direction of the piece garage door installation in san diego. Following this, Andrew created the animation in response to a simple ambient drone provided by Manoli, who in turn created a more detailed sound design synchronised to the animation’s hectic shifts in tones, rhythm, and images.